The Simpsons: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

6.Simpson And Delilah -29.9 m


Season 2 Episode 2

The subject of Homer's baldness hadn't ever really been brought up until this early season fantasy episode - it was merely as much a part of the furniture as the couch and the TV - but in exploring how hair can be perceived as successful, the episode underpinned exactly what it meant to Homer to be bald.

While we were always encouraged to see him as a stumbling, bumbling fool whose baldness was nothing more than a visual quirk, this showed that Homer was very conscious about it, and rightly so, as the perception of him was tied entirely to his appearance. And of course, though it ultimately doesn't matter because his family accept and love him, there's still tragedy in the fact that Homer is a loser because he's bald.

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