The Simpsons: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

9.The Call Of The Simpsons -27.6 m


Season 1 Episode 7

Including the guest appearance voted the best ever - by Albert Brooks as manipulative salesman Cowboy Bob - the Call Of The Simpsons is the archetypal fish out of water episode as Homer attempts (and spectacularly fails) to prove that he has what it takes to be an outdoorsman.

Having been duped into buying a third rate camper van by Bob - and his own desire not to be shown up as a failure in the eyes of his family - Homer ignores the suggestion he should stick to the road and ends up lost in the wilderness. Inevitably, he also ends up in the centre of a Bigfoot sighting (as the beast himself), and captured for tests, which prove hilariously inconclusive.

Luckily for Fox and Groening the show's expensive budget paid off, and as a mark of success Burger King released figures of the episode.

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