The Simpsons: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

10.Homer's Odyssey -27.5m


Season 1 Episode 3

The weightier subject matter would become part of the staple Simpsons diet, but back when this grim episode aired, the suggestion that an animation would deal with issues like rejection and suicide was still somewhat jarring.

Despite its big numbers, Homer's Odyssey is considered in mixed terms now: it is one of the more preachy episodes, tackling post-Nuclear anxiety and safety concerns, and it doesn't really do it with the artful satire that would come later. But it did introduce Mr Burns (as well as Waylan Smithers - incorrectly coloured brown instead of yellow by a misdirected colourist), bringing in one of the most entertaining figures in later shows.

And there was also a brief cameo for Blinky the three-eyed fish.

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