The Simpsons: 20 Best Movie Parodies

7. Rear Window

Homer No Beer
20th Television

Seen in: Bart of Darkness (Season 6, Episode 1)

The Simpsons crew really like their Hitchcock, with spoofs of North By Northwest, Dial M For Murder, The Birds, Psycho and more popping up throughout the show. One of the best, however, is this extended take on James Stewart vehicle Rear Window.

Just like Stewart in the film, a house-bound Bart watches the world go by through his telescope - until he becomes obsessed with spying on Ned Flanders who he is convinced has murdered his wife, Maude. Bart also gets Lisa to investigate Ned's house in a tense scene again lifted straight from the film.

In a fun nod to the episode's inspiration, Jimmy Stewart even turns up a couple of times, talking to an unseen "Grace" (Stewart's co-star in the film was Grace Kelly).

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