The Simpsons: 20 Best Movie Parodies
5. Planet Of The Apes in: A Fish Called Selma (Season 7, Episode 19)
The Simpsons have always produced great songs, and among the very best are those heard in this Troy McClure-centric episode which milks much hilarity from the unlikely (but still something you sort of expect to happen one day) idea of a Planet Of The Apes Musical.
Containing some fantastic lyrics (e.g. "help, the human's about to escape" "get your hands off me, you dirty ape" and, of course, "I hate every ape I see, from chimpan A to chimpan Z"), the musical sequence does just what the best parodies should do and colours the original for you when you go back and see it. When Dr Zaius walks on screen in the original Planet film, you'll immediately start humming the Rock Me Amadeus parody above...