The Simpsons: 20 Best Movie Parodies

14. The Godfather

Homer No Beer

Seen in: Lisa's Pony (Season 3, Episode 8)

With a supporting character like stereotypical mafia boss Fat Tony, The Simpsons often pokes fun at gangster films and TV such as Goodfellas, The Sopranos and Scarface. However, a great parody of the king of gangster films, The Godfather, comes not from Fat Tony but rather the otherwise innocuous-sounding episode where Lisa gets a pony.

One morning, Lisa wakes up to find a horse's head on her pillow - echoing the film's famous scene - only to find that, thankfully, the horse's body is still attached and it's been left for her as a surprise present.

Another standout Godfather parody comes in classic episode Mr Plow when Bart is pelted with snowballs after getting off the school bus - mirroring the scene where Sonny Corleone gets mown down at the tollbooth.

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