The Simpsons: 8 Ways Sideshow Bob Could Kill Bart In Treehouse Of Horror

3. Lure Him Into A Trap By Posing As Krusty

Again referencing the episode where Sideshow Bob frames Krusty, Bob could again decide to pose as Krusty in an attempt to lure Bart into a trap. Given that it was Bart who was the only one to see through Bob€™s disguise the first time, there would be a certain irony that Bob would probably find hard to resist if he could pull off deceiving Bart into believing he€™s Krusty this time around. Although as I have noted, fooling Bart in this way proved difficult before, so perhaps Bob might not pose as Krusty in-person to lure Bart in. He may instead lure him in posing as Krusty online in a pop-cultural reference to the documentary Catfish. A risk with this idea though is that, given the characters€™ respective ages, such a parody may end up coming across as more of a homage to To Catch A Predator rather than Catfish, something The Simpsons€™ writers would probably be keen to avoid!

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