The Simpsons: All Of Bart's Love Interests, Ranked Worst To Best

11. Melody Juniper

Bart's girl

Melody Juniper has probably the best fitting characternym of everyone on this list, but that’s not enough to drag her ranking any higher. She’s a good character, but she’s not really a love interest at all, so misses out on the top ten.

Melody, voiced by Alyson Hannigan, is a third grader obsessed with Bart. He shows no interest in her whatsoever, and is only ever fixed up on a date with her because of Skinner’s interest in her mother.

It’s nice to see Skinner manipulating Bart for once, and he’s actually a decent match for Melody’s mother. However, none of this really helps Melody be anything more than a pseudo love interest for Bart.

On her own, the little quirks like her fixation on her Raggedy Ann doll and her dream journal are the good basis for a character, and it’s a shame the episode ends with her leaving. She could have been a good character to bring back now and then with some Ralph-esque lines; after all, there is another character featured later who branches out from her connection to Bart to become a much bigger part of the town.

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The Simpsons
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