The Simpsons: All Of Bart's Love Interests, Ranked Worst To Best

5. Gina Vendetti

Bart's girl

Gina is less Bart’s love interest than she is a girl who’s chained to him as they flee jail, but they have something of a romance in their short time together, so she makes the cut.

Both of them are sentenced to juvie, with the Sarah Michelle Gellar voiced Gina tying Bart up and slicing off his clothes as he leans on the fence separating the girls and the boys. She then threatens to slice off something that will make his puberty ‘very boring’ if he comes near her again.

However, the pair are partnered up for the mandatory dancing lessons at the juvie, and despite Bart having limited time left to wait out, Gina forces him to break out with her. On the run, they form a bit of a bond but Gina always keeps her hard shell up while simultaneously showing Bart how easy it is for her to fake tears and blame him.

Similar to Nikki McKenna, she flips between kissing Bart and telling him she wants nothing to do with him; usually accompanied by threats. With her though, it feels like a more naturally layered part of the story and is more realistic and less irritating.

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The Simpsons
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