The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best
2. Season 6
Only just missing out of the top spot, season 6 is the show's best when it comes to balancing the drama with the comedy. "Bart of Darkness" works brilliantly as a Rear Window spoof, the Halloween special pokes fun at The Shining, and the family come face-to-face with killer robots in "Itchy & Scratchy Land."
The best of the season, though (and dare I say the best of the show?) is "And Maggie Makes Three," a funny and poignant assessment of parenthood that ends with the series' greatest final twist.
There are too many all-timers in season 6 to name here, but looking over the selection of episodes this season has, there can be no doubt it's one of the best seasons out there - and a perfect example of the show's many strengths.