The Simpsons: Every Sideshow Bob Episode Ranked Worst To Best

14. Bobby, It's Cold Outside

Sideshow Bob Simpsons

First, the positives. Kelsey Grammer has at this point been playing Sideshow Bob for more than 30 years, and manages to find something new to do with his performance every time. With his commitment, amazing voice, and unsurpassed comic timing, he must be a joy to write for. In every instance, his voice work elevates the episode and makes it worth watching for the character alone.

Unfortunately, this episode has little going for it other than the presence of Sideshow Bob. He has escaped from prison once again and is shacked up in the lighthouse where we left him last. For ill defined reasons, he becomes a mall store Santa; from there, he gets his hands on Bart, but can’t kill his adversary as he’s too invested in the character of jolly old Saint Nick.

From there, the episode turns into a limp story about Mr Burns stealing Christmas. It feels seriously underwritten, an unfinished Burns story that they chucked Bob into so as to fill the gaps. It’s hard to be too harsh on a Simpsons Christmas episode, but this one’s a bit of a mess. Not without its charm, but not good.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)