The Snarkiest True Blood Season 6 Recap - Episode 1
So now apparently were back to Eric and Sookie as the main couple, and they talk about how Sookie has changed a lot but Eric just sees her as exactly the same as she was when she walked into his bar. This a) involves forgetting that she was super in love with Bill at the time and b) is apparently romantic, although I dont know why Sookie finds it romantic, or why Eric found her attractive then. But anyway, they talk about how Sookie staked Bill to save Ericnot that it looked like Bill was doing anything but holding him still. Then Eric finally gives Sookie back her house by stabbing himself and writing I pinkie-swear the house is yours on a piece of paper, which he hands to Sookie. He then tells her to stay away from Bill, which she says shell do. Recapper: So, based on past experiences, theres an outside chance that she wont see Bill for a whole day. Thats the max, though. Then Sookie thanks Eric for giving her back her house and protecting her and stuff by kicking him out of her house. Eric then CONVEYER BELTS OUT OF THE HOUSE which is amazing, and they shoot loaded looks through a lacy curtain. Nora (who Erics been fucking like nuts all last season, which is last week for them) points out that Erics in love with Nora. She says that she doesnt know about Bills weakness, but theyve found Erics. Recapper: You were here all last year and you werent informed that Bill and Eric are both obsessively in love with Sookie Stackhouse for reasons that defy explanation?