The Sopranos: 10 Funniest Paulie Moments

5. Visiting Tony In Hospital (Mayham. Season 6, Episode 3)

Season six's Mayham is another serious episode in which Paulie's shenanigans provided audiences with a moment of glorious dark humour.

After being shot by Uncle Junior in the first episode of the season, Tony remains in hospital with a medically-induced coma. Over the course of two episodes that followed, family and friends visit the mob boss on a frequent basis, whether it be to comfort Tony or themselves. Paulie was never exactly the most endearing of personalities on the show but nevertheless, he too decided to visit the boss for a talk.

Before entering Tony's room, Meadow reminds Paulie that he must remain positive when speaking to her dad, to which Paulie immediately fails after seeing just how bad Tony's condition is.

Paulie eventually settles down and has a one-on-one with the boss and the conversation goes as well as you probably expected it to. Paulie proceeds to unintentionally aggravate the struggling Tony with his tedious tales about his own health and the mob, leading to the boss suffering a cardiac arrest!

To evade suspicion, Paulie plays the innocent card and slowly creeps out of the room as the medical staff rush to save Tony from death. Where Paulie goes, chaos follows.


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