The Sopranos: 10 Funniest Paulie Moments

2. The Russian (Pine Barrens. Season 3, Episode 11)

The Sopranos

Lauded for its great concept and dark humour, Pine Barrens is regarded by many Sopranos fans as the best episode of the entire series. The episode which is directed by future Sopranos co-star Steve Buscemi revolves around Chris and Paulie getting in lost in the woods, after the disposal of a Russian named Valery goes terribly wrong.

After being made to dig his own grave, the Russian makes a break for it and tries to escape death. Paulie appears to shoot Valery in the head, but both he and Chris are unsure whether the shot was enough and so they are forced to try and finish the job in the grim snowy pine barrens of rural New Jersey.

Paulie: You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator. Chris : His house looked like s**t!

The two soon realise that they are lost and now the hunt for the Russian had turned into a survival mission! Cold and afraid, tensions between Chris and Paulie increase significantly as a result of the failing. Knowing that he is also primarily to blame for the ordeal, Paulie quickly becomes crazed and predatory as he and Chris compete with the wilderness to survive.


Film and history enthusiast, writing articles about some of cinema's best from both the past and present. Find me on Twitter @JThurstance