The Ultimate Doctor Who Day Quiz

Think you know your sonic from your blaster? Well think again.

Doctor Who 14 Doctors

The longest-running sci-fi program of all time, Doctor Who is about celebrating its 57th year on our TV screens later this month and what better way to celebrate the life and adventures of the Doctor than a quiz all about their travels in space and time. The Doctor's stories span across audio adventures from Big Finish Productions, Comic Book outing and even the odd appearance on the silver screen. This quiz will test you on your knowledge of the main cannon of the program that has been represented in the TV show and TV Movie.

Each actor who is lucky enough to place their hands on the keys to the TARDIS brings their style to the character as well as a fresh set of adventures and characters to travel with. All of this allows Whovians, of which I am a mega one, to get lost in the deeply rich and often contradicting law of the program. With the show's format lending itself very well to a constant reboot I could have spent weeks finding the hardest and toughest questions out there.

Rest assured though that this quiz is not easy. This quiz will separate the Adam Mitchells from the Captain Jacks.

1. Professor Yana's Assistant Chantho Is What Species?


Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.