The Umbrella Academy: 10 Biggest Changes To The Comics

1. The World They Live In

Umbrella Academy Thumb
Dark Horse Comics

The Umbrella Academy universe depicted in the Netflix show wasn't exactly realistic, but in comparison to the comics, it was far more grounded.

Something that you would think would be a very obvious difference will be the time period that the comics are set in, that being the late 1970s, as opposed to the present day of the show. Yet, due to the vast array of futuristic technology available in the world of the books and the clothes that people wear, you could be forgiven for thinking that the comics were also set in 2019.

However, the elements that really make the comics more fantastical than the show are things such as the villains that the group face (with their introduction to the world being a battle against the Eiffel Tower instead of some bank robbers, for example); the fact that intelligent monkeys like Pogo are quite a normal sight; or even that the births of all forty-three children coincided with a wrestler knocking out a "space-squid from Rigel X-9" - you know, the usual.

So, as you now may be able to tell, the books stay very true to fantastical nature of the comic book medium, and are far more bombastic and colourful than their TV counterpart.

If nothing else, though, this should give you more reason to read the source material - and you should! Especially if you loved the show.

Read Next: The Umbrella Academy Review: 7 Ups & 2 Downs


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!