The Umbrella Academy: 10 Biggest Changes To The Comics

7. Diego's Romantic Attachment

Umbrella Academy Thumb
Dark Horse Comics

In the show, Diego (AKA Kraken) was depicted as having fallen for Detective Patch. However, this is not actually something that happened in the comics, with Detective Patch not even existing in the source material.

Instead, Diego follows the example of his brother, Luther, by falling for one of the girls that they grew up with.

In his case this was Vanya. When the pair were young, they were both members of the band Prime-8s, which their father gave them a grilling about after hearing that they got into a brawl at one of their gigs. This led to Vanya being given the chance to learn more classical music in Paris, but after refusing, Diego offered to run off with her to continue the band - something that never happened due to Vanya realising that Kraken was meant for saving people.

So, she left for Paris and then, years later, wrote Extraordinary, which infuriated Diego as much as it did in the show, meaning they never got together. Still, it was obvious that he had feelings for her, even amongst all the resentment...


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!