The Umbrella Academy: 10 Biggest Changes To The Comics

5. The Handler

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Dark Horse Comics

As you may now expect from the massive changes to the Temps Aeternalis, the being that played a major role in its leadership in the show was also a bit of a departure from that of the comics.

While the show may have displayed the Handler as a woman dressed as though she is constantly attending a funeral, the comics followed a route that's a bit more out of left-field, with the character (who is yet to actually receive a proper name) instead being a goldfish.


Though, in spite of the very different approaches to the Handler's appearance in the comics and show, the character largely maintained the same narrative role in both, except for the fact that they were not at all involved in the whole Vanya situation in the books.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!