The Umbrella Academy: Ranking Every Character Worst To Best

12. Allison

Umbrella Academy Allison

The weakest of the Umbrella Academy ranks as far down because she's the most difficult prospect in terms of selling empathy. From time to time, we're reminded that she has a romantic entanglement with Luther (which is worrying, since the pair were brought up from infancy as siblings and refer to each other as such) and a daughter as the script tries to make us care more.

Unfortunately, there's just something off about her as a character. Perhaps it's that she doesn't have the edge of most of her siblings, but her impressive powers are never enough to raise interest levels in her. And the final testament to her impact comes when she is almost killed and what is supposed to be a heavily loaded moment doesn't really land that big a punch.

Maybe she's just too much of a goody-two-shoes for this universe but it's hard not to think of her as this show's answer to Halle Berry's Storm.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.