The Umbrella Academy Season 2: 10 Shocking Comic Moments That Must Happen

5. Klaus' Ghost Orgy - The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion

The Umbrella Academy
Dark Horse

Of all the various unexpected or shocking scene found within the pages of the Umbrella Academy, the one least likely to feature in the show is that of Klaus using his powers to channel a woman's dead husband - as well as several other spirits - to then have sex with said woman.

It's the absolute last thing you expect from the scene, which is likely the exact reason why it happens in the comic. While the show does run on somewhat stricter rules censorship wise, it could still easily allude to this having happened at some point in Klaus' past, since they kept the part of his backstory where he was a for-hire medium the same.

That said, a spot of Netflix nudity isn't entirely unheard of, so there's a chance some spectral seduction will still feature in the second season.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.