The Umbrella Academy Season 2: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. Ben’s Death

The Umbrella Academy Season 2

Aside from his interactions with Klaus - which we’ll get to in a moment - the only thing the other members of the Academy really mentioned about Ben was his death. However, it was always mentioned only fleetingly, so we still don’t know that much about it.

Considering they watched their brother die, it’s reasonable to think that it’s a tender issue. It’s not the kind of thing they’d just casually talk about over breakfast.

Having said that, Ben seems noticeably older than Number Five, not to mention had picked his own name out by the time Number Five left; you’d think if they ever caught Number Five up on what he missed in the years he was gone, Ben’s death would be front and centre.

There may be another reason they don’t like to talk about it though, beyond the obvious distress the death of a sibling would cause. Ben’s tentacle power is arguably the most violent of the whole Academy; he likely met a grisly end if something was able to over power him.

Perhaps even one of the Academy holds themselves directly responsible, and as such hides away from the elephant in the room.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)