The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs

1. The Messy Time Travel Logic

The Umbrella Academy

Without getting into the weeds here, you're sure to be left nursing a migraine if you actually try to keep track of every last beat of this season's dizzying time travel story.

Though the basics are easy enough to digest - the family is attempting to prevent a nuclear war linked to the assassination of John F. Kennedy - it doesn't take long for Five's (Aidan Gallagher) time-hopping plan to become messy and convoluted.

This is of course an inherent part of most time travel stories, though with little attempt made here to acknowledge how silly it all becomes, one's left to presume it's supposed to be cleverly labyrinthine rather than self-consciously ridiculous.

While this is in no way a season worth switching your brain off throughout - because it's wonderfully creative and clever for the most part - you're likely to enjoy yourself more the less you think about the time travel mechanics in any specific way.

But The Umbrella Academy season two is for the most part exactly what you'd hope for. Here's everything it gets right...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.