The Umbrella Academy TV Show: 7 Things Netflix Must Get Right

4. The Action

The Umbrella Academy Netflix
Dark Horse

There's really a lot going on in both collected issues. Number Five, known simply as The Boy, is capable of travelling in time, can jump incredibly quickly, and also has the DNA of the best killers ever. Whenever he encounters opponents, he beats them in spectacular fashion. The most memorable scene occurs in Dallas, as he kills a large number of Temps Aeternalis in the parking lot.

Apart from fight scenes, the series is filled with lots and lots of explosions. After all, the characters are supposed to prevent the apocalypse. They also have these cool superpowers that come to light whenever needed. Throughout the series the siblings visit a lot of different places, past and present, including Vietnam during the war or Dallas as JFK is about to get shot.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.