The US Office: 10 Best Episodes Of All Time

2. Dinner Party

michael scott the office

Few shows could make the viewer recoil in embarrassment in the way that The Office could. There are many moments throughout the shows history where one its characters (see Michael Scott) would embarrass themselves in dedication to the sitcom powers that be, however none of these moments come close to the masterclass in awkwardness that is Dinner Party.

Another ‘bottle’ episode of sorts, it gives the viewer a long and unnerving glimpse into the dysfunctional relationship that is Michael and Jan, as Jim and Pam are tricked into attending a dinner party at Michael’s house. Soon followed by Andy, Angela, Dwight and his childhood nanny, the hosting couple continue to make their guests uncomfortable as they share jabs at each other before the evening eventually erupts in spectacular fashion.

The performances by all involved are nothing short of excellent as the viewers can feel how uncomfortable the guests are through their reactions to the craziness that is unfolding. The dysfunctional couple manage to bring the awkwardness to its peak when Jan throws a Dundie award into Michael’s tiny wall-mounted Plasma screen TV, causing him to yell “That is a $200 Plasma Screen TV you just killed!”.

The episode is one of the best the show had to offer and really shows what can happen when you put talented actors to work on an excellently crafted script.


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