The Walking Dead: 10 Best Deaths Of Season 6 So Far

2. Nicholas

The Episode: Thank You Though fans have wanted Nicholas' head ever since getting Noah killed only to try and kill Glenn back in season 5, everyone's favorite former pizza delivery boy was dead set on trying to turn Alexandria's biggest coward around and onto a path of bravery instead, finding a diamond in the rough even though many knew it likely wouldn't end well. And end well it didn't, with Glenn and Nicholas finding themselves trapped in an alleyway atop a dumpster surrounded by walkers. While it had been clear throughout the episode that this storyline was bound to come to a head, particularly thanks to the focus on Nicholas repeatedly zoning out, it was no less shocking when the character finally put his gun to his head, thanked Glenn, and blew his brains out for one final escape, his dead body knocking Glenn off the dumpster and into the crowd of walkers waiting below. Regardless of whether you love or hate how the show handled Glenn's ultimate fate, the death of Nicholas was incredibly effective, suitable for both the character and his relationship with Glenn.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!