The Walking Dead: 10 Best Deaths Of Season 6 So Far

1. Deanna

The Episode: Start to Finish With a part of the wall going down in the previous episode and the walker herd pouring into Alexandria at the start of the mid-season finale, it seemed that all the pieces were in place for a bloodbath, particularly since we haven't had a truly major character death since Tyreese was killed off (unless you count Noah as major). That setup, coupled with the knowledge comic readers have of how this all goes down, made the episode feel like it was one we all were waiting for. Instead, the mid-season finale felt as much like a sendoff for Deanna as it did one designed to lay more groundwork for the mid-season premiere next February, with the episode ending right when all "the good stuff" was just about to go down. As the former - if one can get past any disappointment they may have about the episode itself not quite feeling like a mid-season finale event like those of past seasons - it was still a pretty solid showcase for Tovah Feldshuh to win over new fans for Deanna even in her final episode. Not only did she get some great dialogue - her delivery of "Well, sh*t," for instance - and some welcome closure with Rick, she got to go out on her own terms, refusing to off herself in order to make one last stand against the walkers that had invaded Jessie's house. Appropriately from start to finish, Deanna's fate was in her own hands, and even in an episode that may have deflated many expectations, she received a solid sendoff.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!