The Walking Dead: 10 Best Episodes
7. No Sanctuary (S5 E1)

TWD has produced some blockbuster action sequences and none better than the season five premiere, No Sanctuary, as Carol goes full Rambo to free her friends from Terminus.
Rick and company had been captured by the cannibals and were facing a rather ugly demise when lone ranger Carol used a herd of walkers as a distraction to engineer their escape.
Explosions, gun warfare, death and destruction; this is the type of action-packed episode that should be expected frequently from season eight’s conflict against The Saviours.
The final scenes of Carol unveiling herself as the hero, reconciling with Rick and reuniting with an unusually emotive Daryl, before then leading the group to Tyrese and Judith where more reunions follow, is as satisfyingly upbeat ending as any TWD episode has produced.
These rare moments of happiness and hope are what gives the show life, and we must cherish them when they come along. Plus, you know, the violence was way cool.