The Walking Dead: 10 Best Villains From The TV Show

8. The Wolves

The slow build-up to the introduction of The Wolves was tremendous. We saw subtle hints at the imminent danger our gang of survivors were about to come up against; €œWolves Not Far€ painted on walls, walkers and dead bodies with €˜W€™ carved onto their foreheads, not to mention the harrowing symbolism of Little Red Riding Hood in the fifth season finale. That being said, The Wolves fizzled out in quite a disappointing fashion, arriving on the scene to kill everyone in sight, before being forced to retreat by a woman improvising to infiltrate the crew, and a man armed only with a stick. You would expect the gang of relentless psychopaths to show no fear in their efforts to rid the world of all human life. Not only that, but aside from the Wolves€™ Leader, who I€™ll get to later on, the remaining wolves were eliminated unceremoniously at the hands of Rick. Aside from the quick exit they made, the impact The Wolves left was extremely intense, with members running around slaughtering innocent people, showcasing horrors that Rick and co. had yet to come across; people killing not for personal gain, but merely for the sake of it. It€™s possible that we€™ve only scratched the surface with The Wolves, and their real leader is regrouping in order to return even fiercer than before, but considering The Saviours are on their way, the prospect of seeing The Wolves redeem themselves is unlikely. Until that ever happens, all we can do is remember the great job the show did introducing them, and appreciate what they provided before their swift demise.

Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.