The Walking Dead: 10 Big Differences Between The Comics & TV Show

6. Tomas Was A Stand-In For A Comics Character

After Shane's been shuffled off his mortal coil by a traumatised child, the comics wastes no time in introducing a new antagonist. When the group rock up at The Prison they're greeted by Dexter, an inmate (convicted of murdering his wife and her lover) who survived the outbreak trapped in whilst trapped in the facility's cafeteria. The fact that he's a prisoner kinda puts people on edge. He's perfectly civil at first, a gentle giant of sorts. Then his history puts him at odds with the group too many times, and he organises a mutiny with some of the other survivors against Rick. The coup fails, with the Grimes brigade failing to €œget out of his house€, being shot in the head by Rick after a zombie bite. Strangely, Dexter never appears in the TV version of The Prison. His closest analogue is Dexter, another inmate. The reason for his imprisonment is never explained, although he too is discovered in the cafeteria with other survivors, immediately demands that the rest of them leave the prison (mistaking them for bandits at first), and tries to sic zombies on Rick, only for Officer Grimes to shoot him.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at