The Walking Dead: 10 Big Differences Between The Comics & TV Show

3. Dale Lasts Longer, And Hooks Up With Andrea

Dale was one of the most irritating characters on the TV show. A constantly invasive presence who stuck his nose in wherever it wasn't needed €“ most often in Andrea's business, saving her from killing herself in the CDC at the end of the first season €“ when he finally bit the bullet, nobody really shed any tears when a zombie bite and a Daryl bullet splatter his Hawaiian shirt in blood. In the comics, Dale has a much similar look to his TV incarnation €“ the bucket hat and all €“ but is marginally less irritating. In fact, most of the good traits that Hershel took on during the third season were ported over from Dale's comic book incarnation, since he lasted a lot longer than he managed to on screen. Clawing on through The Prison arc, the comic book Dale ended up starting a proper relationship with Andrea, and the two of them wound up adopting Allen's kids Ben and Billy after he died. The age difference was still sort of weird, and it meant Andrea went in a very different direction in the TV show from the comics as well. Dale still met his maker eventually, however, bitten and then euthanised by his lover.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at