The Walking Dead: 10 Characters Who'll Survive Until The End

5. Judith

Old Man Carl Grimes

Remember back in Season 4 when the powers that be teased the death of Judith not once, but twice? Firstly after the fall of the prison when they led us to believe the little tyke had been devoured by walkers and secondly when crazy Lizzie nearly offed her?

But they didn’t and while the comic incarnation of little Judy may be long gone it seems they’re reluctant to kill off the illegitimate seed of Lori Grimes and Shane Walsh perhaps because they’ve got designs on Lil’ Ass Kicker surviving until the very end.

Although she’s a bit superfluous to storylines currently unfolding and there’s the unavoidable fact that older kids don’t always fare too well on the show (RIP Sophia, Mika, Lizzie, Sam and Ron), Judith is the first of the group born post-apocalypse and therefore kind of important to the show by default. Plus, we know how protective Rick and Carl are of her, and we really can’t see AMC killing her off now after those early missed opportunities.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.