The Walking Dead: 10 Moments That Most Pissed Off Fans

1. Killing Carl

Walking Dead Negan Alpha

Every awful thing that ever happened to Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead was made seem that little bit less awful by the fact that his beloved son Carl was given the chance to grow up. Rick lost so much, and yet he still had Carl - so in spite of everything the past and present had done to him, the future was still worth fighting for. And that right there was a microcosm for the show itself...

However, fans' hopes and dreams for the future of the show came crashing down in Season 8 when it was revealed that Carl had been bitten by a walker. Yet another unnecessarily 'dazzling' midseason finale shocker, it forced fans to wait months just so they could watch another one of their favourite characters die in the returning episode... you see the recurring problem here?

The fans knew there was no coming back for Carl and, by extension, no coming back for the show and this spawned a massive amount of backlash before the character's final episode even aired. What made things worse was the fact that it wasn't Chandler Riggs' decision to leave the show and that, according to his father, he was told about his departure only two weeks before his 18th birthday. Harsh.

Fans launched petitions to remove controversial showrunner Scott Gimple from the show and, following Carl's farewell episode, the ratings suffered a sharp decline. Soon afterwards, Gimple found himself moving to spin-off Fear The Walking Dead (which immediately saw a massive decline in standard after another dreadful creative decision), while The Walking Dead's ratings never recovered.

Yes, it's safe to say the fans weren't so forgiving this time...


Which Walking Dead moments pissed you off? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.