The Walking Dead: 10 Most Badass Rick Grimes Moments

3. "You’re All Already Dead"

Walking Dead Rick Grimes Badass

It takes a special kind of person to come across intimidating even in their weakest moments. Shortly before his son Carl is set to become Lucille’s newest victim Rick manages to deliver his most intimidating threat to date when speaking to Negan.

“I told you already, I’m going to kill you, all of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow… but nothing is going to change that, nothing. You’re all already dead.”

This is the second such threat to Negan from the mouth of Rick Grimes, but the first was delivered well before Rick had a full understanding of what Negan and the Saviors were about. This time however, it was delivered while Negan seemingly held the all the cards making Rick's unwavering conviction that much more impressive.


Zombie aficionado and hockey crazed Canuck. Waiting patiently for the apocalypse.