8. No Characters Outside The Core Cast
This has been a problem since the last season. Simply put, the show is struggling to add new characters. For a show with such a high death rate, this is a severe problem. Assuming the current main characters won't be around forever (apart from Rick and Darryl), The Walking Dead needs to start adding new characters in quite regularly. Since arriving at the prison, the show hasn't done this. All of the prisoners were dead within a few episodes. Axel, the one prisoner that seemed like he had potential, was killed literally a second after he became interesting. The arrival of people from Woodbury at the end of last season was a chance to add a whole host of new characters into the fray and spice things up a bit, but only Tyrese has made an impact so far. The show will become stale if the main cast just end up surviving time after time again, because we're going to stop worrying that they're ever in danger. More than other shows, The Walking Dead needs a lot of turnover in its cast to work. It needs to start adding interesting new characters to the roster again. Please!