The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Happen After The War With Negan

1. Rick Loses His Wife

The Walking Dead The Whisperers
Image Comics

Andrea. Remember her in the show? Well, her path is very different in the comics.

She becomes the longest-surviving member from the Atlanta group, marries Rick to form the ultimate Alexandria power couple, and becomes a mother figure to Carl.

That is until she's bitten on the neck during the Whisperer War when the enemy draws a humongous herd of zombies to the settlement. Her death is one of the most harrowing in the series since it's preceded by a sombre 'living funeral' and Rick's the one who has to end her when she turns.

Obviously this won't be happening to Andrea in the show since she died in Season 3, but Walking Dead writer Scott Gimple has confirmed that another character will be inheriting her fate, so Michonne should probably watch her back... and her neck.

Which events from the comics do you want to see on the TV show? Let us know down in the comments.


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