The Walking Dead: 10 Things We Want To See In The Next 8 Episodes

9. More Daryl & Merle

When the midseason finale left off we had the Dixon brothers reunited but not in the best way as The Governor reunited them in a gladiator arena, in which it looked like we would see our two favourite brothers fight to the death. I was worried about whether or not they would survive or if they too would be part of 'The Walking Dead' no one is safe rule. But then I saw the promo for the next episode, 'The Suicide King'. And if you watch it carefully enough there are certain parts in it that you can take to mean that they might survive. In the beginning of the promo we see The Governor walk out of a smoke screen in what looks like the gladiator arena that we last saw Daryl and Merle standing in, from this I expect to see a daring opening rescue from Rick and Michonne. Then there is a shot of Daryl walking through the woods with his trusty croosbow, now there is a chance that this could have been put in to mislead viewers on the fate of Daryl but I think that is too obvious. Finally there is a shot of Glenn shouting something along the lines of, "Why did you bring him?" wth Rick standing between him and someone off screen, I chose to look at this as Glen becoming angry seeing that Rick has rescued not just Daryl but also Merle, who tortured him during his time in Woodbury. I really hope that they don't kill off the Dixon brothers, as we really haven't had a chance to see the chemistry that I think they would have on screen together. Also it could be a good chance to look at the change in Daryl, now that he is basically Ricks right hand man and look at how Merle would react to this as well as see if Merle could eventually become one of the good guys as well. Plus I think we would all like to see them team up and kill some zombies together.

All you really need to know is i am a huge Film, TV and gaming fan. "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anyhting"