The Walking Dead: 10 Things We Want To See In The Next 8 Episodes

6. Michonne Vs. The Governer: Round Two

6a00d8341c630a53ef01630309126b970d-600wi He is evil, manipulative, power hungry and kills to get what he wants, oh yeah and he tried to kill Michonne, big mistake. In retalliation Michonne came back to kill him but instead killed his zombified daughter, Penny, She then got in a huge fist fight with him that ended up destroying his zombie head collection and also led to him losing an eye: I would say that Michonne won Round One. Now for Round Two I think they should follow the comics. Michonne is still obviously still going to want to kill The Governor and he is going to want to kill her even more now that she took his eye and killed his daughter. So have him somehow capture Michonne or maybe have her come back to finish the job but he would be ready for her this time and capture her. Then have him rape and torture her like he does in the comics, which I know is a horrible thing to want to see on a TV show and probably not something that they would be able to do either bu they could still imply it happening. Maybe then you could have Andrea find and rescue her friend and escape Woodbury. Finally accepting the truth about The Governor and the kind of man that he really is. After all we have already had glimpses of just how bad The Governor really is, for instance when he killed the soldiers to get their equipment and when he interrogated Maggie which at one point looked like it was going to take a very dark turn. Oh and the wall of zombie heads which is perfectly normal! But this could be the final nail in the evil coffin.

All you really need to know is i am a huge Film, TV and gaming fan. "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anyhting"