The Walking Dead: 10 Twists You Never Saw Coming

6. Lizzie Kills Mika

The Walking Dead Sophia

By the fourth season of the show audience members had come to learn that nobody was safe and you could never really be sure what was going to be coming next. At this point we'd already seen a range of unique walkers, fantastic villains such as The Governor and Shane, and even seen the group deal with issues like the previously mentioned killer flu.

But did anyone expect Lizzie to lose her mind and kill her sister, hoping to turn her into a monster? Probably not. While there were hints that she was a little bit unstable, such as feeding the walkers for fun, it was a whole new level for her to decide to murder her own younger sister. The scene is brilliantly directed as Carol and Tyreese return in good spirits only to find Mika murdered.

Perhaps another twist in itself is the fact that rather than try help Lizzie through her issues, Carol decides to kill Lizzie. Considering that they have Judith with them and there aren't exactly any therapists around to help out, you can't really blame Carol for what she did. Even still, it left audiences shocked to their core.


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.