The Walking Dead: 10 Ways The Rick Grimes Movie Can Save The Show

7. Welcome Back, Heath!

Rick Walking Dead
Gene Page/AMC

Bringing closure to the story of missing characters is a key way to reinvigorate interest in the series. Fans have been speculating for years about the whereabouts of Heath, who disappeared in the Season 7 episode “Swear” when he was separated from Tara after a walker attack. Thus, revealing his current status is a strong way to generate interest in the upcoming film.

According to Showrunner Angela Kang, Heath was traded by Anne (formerly known as Jadis) for supplies to the CRM. Furthermore, Chief Content Officer Scott Gimple wants a Heath comeback. Corey Hawkins, who portrays Heath, is now an established film actor and Rick Grimes’ theatrical debut is a logical spot for his character to make a comeback.

Despite his short tenure in the television series, Heath was a mainstay in the comic books, lasting until the end of the series. The show only scratched the surface of his character and there is still a lot to explore about Heath’s personality and motivations. Furthermore, depending on the trajectory of his storyline in the film, there may be room for him to return to Alexandria in future seasons of The Walking Dead.


Student of history, art, and culture. Collector of all things sci-fi and fantasy. You may spot her enjoying friendly debates with family and friends about the latest movies and TV shows, traveling to scenic locations to find inspiration for her stories, or penning her debut novel.