The Walking Dead: 10 Ways The Rick Grimes Movie Can Save The Show
8. A Family Reunion

Michonne was last seen departing with two strangers on a quest to find Rick and her journey should culminate on the big screen.
Furthermore, fans have grown to love “Richonne.” Their strong bond to each other and their dedication to their daughter Judith has endeared their family to audiences. Therefore, Rick Grimes’ debut cinematic outing is the perfect place to reward long-time fans with a family reunion.
The film must also show Michonne telling Rick about the son he never met, Rick “R.J.” Grimes Jr. Arming Rick with this knowledge presents lots of storytelling possibilities for both the film and the television series. Rick now has two children to fight to return to and this will give him the impetus to escape whatever situation he may be trapped in.
Seeing Rick on the path to put his family back together again will also provide closure to storylines established in the television series and may set the stage for the future adventures on the show involving Judith and R.J.