The Walking Dead: 10 Worst Casting Mistakes

7. Multiple Babies – Judith Grimes

The Walking Dead Beth Greene Crying

To date, a grand total of sixteen tiny actresses (seven sets of twins and two-thirds of a set of triplets to be precise) have played the character of Judith Grimes since her first appearance in Season 3. This constantly evolving cast of babies is proof of how hard it is to write an infant character into a TV show, especially one set in a zombie apocalypse.

After going against comic canon and not killing off Judith during the fall of the prison, you’d assume the powers that be had made an executive decision to set her up as a central character. But thanks to pesky child labour laws, whichever baby actor is playing Judith can’t actually be on set that much. Essentially, she’s less of a character and more a prop trotted out every now and then just to remind us viewers she’s still alive and kicking.

Not to mention the fact that kids this young simply can’t act. Any appropriate reaction like looking scared or bewildered is just pure happenstance. Judith’s casting and the performance of the actress(es) who play her will only be more of an issue in future seasons too. Either TWD’s casting department need to find a pair of young twins that are amazingly good at acting (unlikely), or just keep Lil’ Ass Kicker as a background prop which will be a hell of a lot more difficult to explain away the older the character gets.

Would it be absolutely heinous to suggest it may have made better sense to have killed Judith off back at the prison – or at the hands of mad Lizzie or that random Termite that had murderous designs on her in Season 5 – and just done away with the character entirely?


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