The Walking Dead: 10 Worst Casting Mistakes

6. Liz E. Morgan – Tina

The Walking Dead Beth Greene Crying
Gene Page/AMC

You’d be forgiven for forgetting who the hell Tina is considering the record speed with which she was introduced and dispatched and the rather forgettable performance by actress Liz E. Morgan behind her. But to refresh your memory, she’s the diabetic sister of ole iron face Dwight’s wife Sherry who made her first and only appearance in Season 6’s Always Accountable.

Like Shumpert before her, Tina was just a lowly redshirt and arguably inserted into the plot to help Daryl look like a hero. But that’s still no excuse for bad acting, and to be fair she got a good amount of screen time in that episode so it’s not like she didn’t have anything to work with.

But instead of making an impact as a feisty diabetic lass who’s somehow managed to survive the apocalypse against the odds, Morgan gives a wishy-washy performance that’s far from memorable. In fact, the most memorable part of it was her death scene which was one of the show’s more laughable deaths to date.

And if you can’t convincingly get eaten by zombies, then you really have no place being a part of The Walking Dead.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.