The Walking Dead: 10 Worst Casting Mistakes

5. Christine Woods – Officer Dawn Lerner

The Walking Dead Beth Greene Crying
Gene Page/AMC

There was a lot riding on the performance of actress Christine Woods as Officer Dawn Lerner – the stern, stoic and slap-happy main villain of Season 5’s Grady Memorial Hospital arc, who oversaw her group of rampant rapist lawmen and not so merry band of slaves with an iron fist.

As the show’s first real female villain (Lori Grimes and mad Mary the cannibal Termite aside), Woods really had to put on a good show to hopefully pave the way for more non-male antagonists in the future.

But in the end, Woods’ was a rather unconvincing pop at villainy that swerved maniacally between sincere, morally conflicted good cop and power-tripping bad cop punctuated by cheesy dialogue delivered in the most trite fashion.

In her defence though, Woods’ character was responsible for killing off the even more annoying Beth Greene so there’s that to thank her for at least.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.