The Walking Dead 5.1 Review - 5 Talking Points From "Strangers In A Strange Land"

4. Carol's Still An Outsider

The episode opened with Rick essentially apologizing to Carol for banishing her from the group and her prison excommunication, thanking her for saving his family. Carol didn€™t seem to be too emotional about the whole thing, as she€™s basically retreated within herself and compartmentalized all sentimentality. Although I suppose when you€™ve seen your daughter turn into a shambling corpse and then gunned down an adolescent who gutted her little sister, there probably isn€™t much room left inside for mushiness and melodrama. We also had a conversation between Nanny Tyreese and Carol where he assures her he will make the rest of the group okay with what she did back at the prison, and she responds by telling him they don€™t have to. Carol is acting like a woman who is embracing her role as executioner, but doesn€™t want to be pardoned for her sins. It€™s a heavy burden to carry, one that she€™s accepted, but doesn€™t want to encumber her friends with. Toward the end of the hour we see her apparently getting set to make escape quietly into the night before she€™s caught by Daryl, who had thus far been unsuccessful in his attempts to reconnect with her. Had he not come looking for her, she very well may be off on her own once again, and maybe she feels more at home that way.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.