The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons The Finale Was Awesome, 5 Reasons It Sucked

2. Carl Goes Dark

The Walking Dead However, Andrea's death, in its predictability, was far from the most surprising moment on last night's finale; that prestigious honour goes to Carl murdering a kid in cold blood with only the most tacit motivation. A kid from Woodbury approaches Carl, who orders him to drop his weapon, but instead the kid keeps hold of it, yet holds it out as if inviting Carl to take it. Carl responds by shooting him down, rationalising the act to Rick as one of self-defense, which we see Hershel argue with. Carl's seen a lot of bad things during the zombie apocalypse, and surely the most traumatic was the death of his mother Lori, which can be seen as the catalyst for Carl's dark turn into a remorseless sociopath. Without question one of the more interesting plot threads going into Season 4, it'll be nice to see the writers further distancing Carl from the irritatingly precocious kid he was in the first 2 seasons, towards something a lot more involving as the character grows into a young man.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]