The Walking Dead: 50 Best Deaths

23. Nicholas

The Walking Dead Greatest Deaths Denise Governor

The Episode: Thank You

How It Happened: When Nicholas and Glenn found themselves pursued by a large horde of walkers, the two inadvertently fled into a dead end alleyway where they were forced to climb up onto a dumpster. Rather than figure out a plan, Nicholas made peace with what he felt was the only way out, thanking Glenn before shooting himself in the head.

Why It Was Great: Nicholas' actions were inevitable, one of the very few times the show has dealt with a character committing suicide on screen, and though it was overshadowed by "the dumpster incident" involving Glenn, it deserves praise for being a truly powerful, shocking end to a character who Glenn had seemed to be getting through to.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!