The Walking Dead: 50 Best Deaths

16. The Andersons

The Walking Dead Greatest Deaths Denise Governor

The Episode: No Way Out

How It Happened: As the group moved undetected through the walker horde that had overrun Alexandria, Sam freaked out long enough to get the walkers' attention. They attacked him as his emotional mother watched - and was killed herself - only for Ron, having just witnessed the death of his brother and mother and blaming Rick for the destruction of his family, to pull a gun, an act that forced Michonne to stab him through the chest with her sword.

Why It Was Great: The deaths of the Andersons finally brought a number of story threads to a head in unforgettable fashion and left a lasting reminder of their presence in the form of Carl's lost eye, blasted away thanks to Ron's actions.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!