The Walking Dead: 50 Greatest Deaths So Far

4. The Governor


The Episode: Too Far Gone

Responsible for the deaths of numerous characters, the cycloptic psychopath best known as The Governor was finally brought down in the fourth season's midseason finale.

During the prison assault, he managed to overcome Rick in a struggle, nearly strangling him in the process, before getting stabbed through the chest by Michonne and left for dead, only to be put down once and for all by Lilly, who had finally come to see the man for who he really was.

3. Shane


The Episode: Better Angels

By the time season two was coming to an end, it was the perfect time for Shane to go. Having continued to spiral out of control, constantly butting heads with his best friend time and again in the process, Shane finally lured Rick out to the fields alone in an attempt to kill him under the guise of finding Randall.

Instead, Rick killed him €“ only for Carl to put him down once he reanimated €“ and the event fundamentally changed Rick in ways that are still readily apparent several seasons down the line.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!