The Walking Dead: 6 Things "Try" Got Right (And 4 It Didn't)

2. That Escalated Quickly

That escalation didn't feel particularly natural, either. Carol's suggestion that they just straight up murder Pete at the end of last week's episode was a bit nuts, but again, consistent with the character's own past with an asshole husband. Rick agreeing with her and the show essentially making out like that was the best idea made a lot less sense, though. And whilst that climactic scene was a surprise and lead to a really cool set-up for the season finale, it didn't feel like the show arrived at that point naturally or that it was particularly earned. Well, Rick revealing that he was totally off his rocker was definitely a long time coming €“ from the beginning of the show, pretty much. But the sudden escalation of the rift between his group and the Alexandria residents was too much too soon (and the opening, with them solemnly listening to Nine Inch Nails, was really weird). As was Rick's sudden desire to murder Pete. Considering they've been treading water for weeks, they could've run up to this a bit better.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at