The Walking Dead: 6 Things "What Happened And What's Going On" Got Right (And 4 It Didn't)

The Good...

6. No Dawdling

Well, it's certainly managed to deal with some of those lingering pacing issues pretty sharpish. The start of season five proper also didn't mess around, immediately dangling the new menace of those Terminus cannibal lot in front of the survivors, before they were quickly dispatched and that new €œstatus quo€ of the trainyard was immediately swapped out for fun in the church. That didn't take either, thanks to Gabriel freaking out and luring a bunch of walkers back because he was sad nobody cared about Jesus during the zombie apocalypse (or something), and now everybody appears to be barrelling towards a totally new status quo. Which is just fine. Before, it took a couple of episodes of mulling things over before any of the characters actually did anything. In this episode, there was the decision to go to Noah's gated community within the first couple of minutes, then the decision to head to Washington instead right at the end. No dawdling!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at